Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's September already?

I can't believe it's September. A year ago this month we found out we were pregnant. We were only a few weeks away from leaving on our vacation to Italy. We were so ecstatic when we found out, we told our parents within the hour of "peeing on a stick". LOL! We framed a pic of the pee stick and gave it to them. ha ha! I can't believe it's been a year and our baby is already three months old. Time is flying, but we're enjoying every minute. She changes weekly - and is growing like a weed. She's smiling and laughing, and the cooing is more like singing. She does it often and we love hearing her sweet little voice. It's amazing to wake up every morning and see her smiling face, so happy. She's such a good baby!

Mommy & Daddy love you sweet baby Katelyn! We're so blessed to have you in our lives and we look forward to sharing each milestone with you as it comes along.

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