Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Recent random thoughts and ramblings...

So, we went to Disney this past weekend. Somehow we got on the topic of the to-be-determined sex of our baby. For the most part, Shawn and I had discussed and (I thought) agreed on having (birthing) one child and possibly adopting another in the future. So you can imagine my shock, when Shawn said "You know, if this baby is a girl, we could just get pregnant again right away and try for a boy." ::jaw drop:: I think Disney lost a little of it's magic in that moment. lol. We'll visit this topic MUCH later...I hope.

Sunday we went to lunch at the OG. Normally, I eat breakfast before lunch, but we got up late so I decided to give it a try. Bad idea. After eating and within 5 minutes of getting to Target to do some shopping...lunch came up. Everywhere. I didn't make it to the toilet (not that I'd put my face near a public toilet) so I ended up hurling all over the sink and floor in the handicap stall. I apologized to the Target staff profusely. I was advised that they had seen worse. ::gags::

Yesterday, a co-worker was talking with me on our way out of the building. She is probably in her 50s or 60s and was telling me how she had wished someone would have just been honest with her about childbirth. She said "...I mean, it REALLY hurts. I'm not gonna lie. Everyone just told me it was no big deal." Um. Thanks for sharing? Yea, I know, everyone is different. I'm in the "enjoy every moment" phase of pregnancy. I'd still like not to think about having to push out a baby at this point. ::breathes into paper bag::

Though...I did learn from my mother that after her water broke she spent a couple of hours in labor at home before going to the hospital, then after after arriving at the hospital I was born in just an hour. I am all for a quick labor and easy delivery. Let's hope genetics work to make this happen.

Lastly, I can honestly say that the single-serve microwaveable corn being sold now, are really the best thing ever! I've eaten them for dinner. I love them. MMMmmm corn. :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

16 weeks 5 days...

Because I haven't posted a pic in a while...

I would like to add that I did have a big dinner last night and big lunch today. ha ha! I haven't gained any weight yet...in fact, I've lost 10 pounds since my first OB visit. I know that the time is soon approaching for things to start going in the opposite direction - lol. Can't wait! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Watch it wiggle...

It looks like our baby is quite active in the mornings, which is fun to see at our 4 week ultrasound appointments. I hope that continues throughout the pregnancy so I can sleep at night. Today we saw the baby moving all around and waving its arms at us. You can see it's little hand/fingers on the other side of its face/nose in this pic. One shot looked like the baby was sucking its thumb. We are scheduled next month, January 15th, to find out the sex of the baby. YAY! Heartbeat today was a strong 159 and things are looking good!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Crazy milestones...

Since I don't journal, this will be the only place I have to look back on for memories about how things have progressed over my pregnancy. I don't want to have blog overload and post daily, but I thought this week's milestone was especially important.

On Monday night, at 15d1w, I felt the baby move for the first time. It felt a little like bubbling water, or popcorn, and went from the top of my pubic bone to just below my belly button on the left hand side. It was unlike anything I felt before (it was not gas - Lord knows I know that feeling after 15 weeks - lol!). I did some research the next day and asked a few friends to confirm, and sure enough, everyone agreed that it definitely was baby movement. I, of course, then had to cry. WOW! I know it's a long way from kicks and outside kicks that people can see/feel, but it was an amazing realization.

Sunday will be 16 weeks and I read ahead in my "week-by-week" information and learned that the baby will be able to hear us starting in the 16th week. (Yep, I cried again.) Time to start reading and singing to baby - YAY! It is unbelievable to think our baby will be able to hear our voices now, so soon.

I know more incredible things are ahead for us and baby...I don't want to forget a moment!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hand-me-downs SCORE!

Well thanks to our friends Tricia & Dave, we had a major score this weekend from some Davey, Jr. hand-me downs! We got a carseat with a base, a bassinet (that vibrates, rocks and plays music!), a traveling changer, some baby bibs and a ton of maternity clothes! I had fun trying on stuff that I will probably start using in a month or two. YAY! We had fun going through stuff and playing with the bassinet and carseat. Several friends have had babies recently, so whatever we get as hand-me-downs, we are grateful for!!

As for baby and week 15, baby is currently the size of an orange! YUM! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New pics - New due date!

We went for our u/s appointment this morning...and since the baby has measured ahead the last two appointments, they moved up my estimated due date to May 31st (from June 7th)! YAY for a May baby!! We got to hear the heart beat again, 143 bpm...nice and strong!
In 6 weeks, we go for our "big u/s" at 20 weeks, and get to find out the sex of the baby - woo hoo!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Last appointment, next appointment...

I forgot to post that at our appointment last week (the day before Thanksgiving) the baby was measuring on time and looking good. They said approximately 3 1/2 inches, but that seems big/long (we are tall, but I hope for long and lean, not long and large! lol!). We have another u/s appointment scheduled at Winnie Palmer (follow up) for this Thursday. The pics we got at the OB last week were kinda blurry and I was less than thrilled with them, so I'm hoping we'll get a better one at WP this week. I will post a pic (or more than one if they're given) on Thursday or Friday.

Thanksgiving was great, and I managed not to over do it. I hope that means no weight gain since last visit, but I doubt it. lol. (Seriously, the peanut butter pie may have done me in.) We saw my family (extended) early in the day on Thursday, and Shawn's family later that evening. We have a lot to be thankful for!!