Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Recent random thoughts and ramblings...

So, we went to Disney this past weekend. Somehow we got on the topic of the to-be-determined sex of our baby. For the most part, Shawn and I had discussed and (I thought) agreed on having (birthing) one child and possibly adopting another in the future. So you can imagine my shock, when Shawn said "You know, if this baby is a girl, we could just get pregnant again right away and try for a boy." ::jaw drop:: I think Disney lost a little of it's magic in that moment. lol. We'll visit this topic MUCH later...I hope.

Sunday we went to lunch at the OG. Normally, I eat breakfast before lunch, but we got up late so I decided to give it a try. Bad idea. After eating and within 5 minutes of getting to Target to do some shopping...lunch came up. Everywhere. I didn't make it to the toilet (not that I'd put my face near a public toilet) so I ended up hurling all over the sink and floor in the handicap stall. I apologized to the Target staff profusely. I was advised that they had seen worse. ::gags::

Yesterday, a co-worker was talking with me on our way out of the building. She is probably in her 50s or 60s and was telling me how she had wished someone would have just been honest with her about childbirth. She said "...I mean, it REALLY hurts. I'm not gonna lie. Everyone just told me it was no big deal." Um. Thanks for sharing? Yea, I know, everyone is different. I'm in the "enjoy every moment" phase of pregnancy. I'd still like not to think about having to push out a baby at this point. ::breathes into paper bag::

Though...I did learn from my mother that after her water broke she spent a couple of hours in labor at home before going to the hospital, then after after arriving at the hospital I was born in just an hour. I am all for a quick labor and easy delivery. Let's hope genetics work to make this happen.

Lastly, I can honestly say that the single-serve microwaveable corn being sold now, are really the best thing ever! I've eaten them for dinner. I love them. MMMmmm corn. :)

1 comment:

Barb Stewart said...

I like round numbers! Two is good, one for each hand.
Love you