Thursday, January 15, 2009

We had our BIG ULTRASOUND today...

We've decided to name her Katelyn Grace :)
Baby is weighing about 15 ounces right now and her heart rate was 161. She was very active this morning and moving around a lot. She is breech/breach (head up/feet down) right now and it's no wonder I experienced my first bladder kick last week. (Interesting.) I'm starting to feel more movement of late, and now I know why. She's quite the little squirmer in there!
Please pray that Baby Katelyn stays put. I had a cone biopsy years ago which they said would affect my cervix. Last appointment, my cervix measured 3.5 today it measured 2.54. The lowest cutoff is 2.4 so I'm very close to that. As such, they've started me on progesterone to make sure my cervix stays closed. I'll go back in next week to be checked again. For now, I can't do any lifting, major activity, vacuuming, etc. (Good thing Shawn already vacuums! ha ha!) Please keep us in your prayers!
Thanks for all of your love, support and well wishes - they mean so much to us both!!
::mini freak out::
Oh MY GOSH we're having a baby girl! LOL!


Baby Trivi said...


We will be praying that you continue to have a trouble free pregnancy!

Shawns "Honey-Do" list just got alittle longer!

Merita said...

UMM HUMMM, I told you so!!!! I knew it was a baby girl. We are so very excited and can hardly wait to meet her. Would you hurry up Michelle!!!!!!!