Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And I was doing SO well...

Dear baby Katelyn,

One thing you will learn about your mommy is that I LOVE (do not underestimate the caps usage here) chocolate. I would eat it every day, if allowed. But this was before you came along. When I found out I was pregnant, it was as if, by a miracle of Jesus Himself, I suddenly no longer craved chocolate, in any way, shape, or form. However, since Christmas (interestingly, the birth of Jesus - so maybe He was allowing me to celebrate? Hmm?) I started "tasting" chocolate again in some of the goodies we received at work and had at family events. Sadly, I believe this was the beginning of what is happening more frequently now. The desire for chocolate, it seems, has returned. It's not an all day craving, or every day need...but I do find myself thinking more about having this sweet, yummy, delicious creation, you too some day will have the joy of experiencing, on a more regular basis than before. I do fight the urge most days...but if you could only see the lovely desserts they make at the deli in mommy's office building. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to please do whatever you need to do in there to help mommy out with this. Not sure if it's you, or Jesus, or the hormones, but this urge has to be curbed ASAP. Mommy has yet to take her 1 hour glucose test and I need to pass that so I won't be subjected to a three hour test!

That is all for now. I love you (even when you kick my bladder and almost make me pee at my desk at work),


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