Monday, February 16, 2009

4D ultrasound scheduled...

Pretty early on Shawn decided he wanted us to get the 4D ultrasound done. I've seen good ones and bad ones, and I'm hoping ours turns out good. It's scheduled for March 16th and we've invited our moms to attend.

The bad part of that appointment that day, is that it's not just for the 4D, it's also going to be my one hour glucose test. Fun, fun. Same with everything, everyone's experience is different, so I've heard and good and bad things. I'm again hoping that the sugary drink they describe won't be that bad and that, of course, most importantly, I pass my one hour test so I don't have to do the three hour test.

The baby is always very active at my morning appointments and the techs/doctor always comment on that. Today was no exception - - as soon as the PA put the heart monitor on my belly, baby Katelyn decided to kick it spot on. lol! The PA had to chase her around a bit to get her heartbeat but she finally found it and it was strong and fast as usual. Also, for the first time, I noticed my belly move on the outside when she kicked/rolled around. I saw this when I was in the doctor's office laying on my side, and then the PA noticed it too while she was putting the monitor on my belly. It was funny to see her flinch back when it happened. ha ha!

Last night, we used our heart monitor at home and it worked for the first time. We found her heart beat almost right away. Very nice to have that at home!

This coming Thursday the 19th is my follow up appointment to find out about the cervix/bed rest issue. I know that lots of prayers have been said and I'm so appreciative of everyone's support and understanding (and especially appreciative that Shawn has stepped up to do everything over the past two weeks - he's been great about it!) Thank you all for your prayers!

1 comment:

Myrtle's Mayhem said...

I had to do the three hour test...and it wasn't that bad...boring if nothing else b/c you just have to sit there between drinking the drink!